Inglewood Bird Observatory

Main project of the Calgary Bird Banding Society

About the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary

Inglewood Bird Sanctuary is a federal Migratory Bird Sanctuary and is an important site for migrating passerines. The sanctuary is strategically located within 80-km of the Rocky Mountains and is a unique and valuable member of the Canadian Migration Monitoring Network.

The primary project of the Calgary Bird Banding Society is the Inglewood Bird Observatory, a program that monitors migratory birds at Inglewood Bird Sanctuary.

History of monitoring at IBO

Inglewood Bird Sanctuary is located within Calgary which greatly facilitates member involvement. Pilot monitoring, covering only a portion of the fall migration, was undertaken in 1992 and 1994. Full spring and fall migration monitoring have occurred since 2002 and 1995 respectively. Monitoring songbird population change based on mist-netting has been shown to be an effective technique (Dunn et al. 1997).