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Trend Analyses


Trend_Spring2022 and Charts_Spring2022 provide the results of trend analysis on species monitored at Inglewood Bird Sanctuary through 2022. In Charts_Spring2022 the y-axis shows the annual abundance index estimate in captures per day. This only pertains to the 95%-migration window, so it should only be used to compare abundances between species within their respective migration windows. To compare overall abundances between species one should refer to the season totals.

2002-2022 (all-time)

AMRO, SWTH and YEWA continue to have significant negative all-time trends. GRCA went from significant to only near significant (p=0.06), likely a result of lacking analysis power due to the low number of overall captures for the species.

In general, the strongest (lowest p-values) and most negative trends are found among warblers and thrushes which is consistent with findings from the analyses for Fall.

2013-2022 (10-year)

LISP continues to have a significant positive 10-year trend and RWBL now also shows a significant positive 10-year trend.

In contrast to the all-time Spring trends there are no significant negative 10-year trends. With 19 captures in 2022 COYE almost doubled the amount of captures from the previous 9 years, resulting in a near significant positive trend for the species.


Trend_Fall2022 and Charts_Fall2022 provide the results of trend analysis on species monitored at Inglewood Bird Sanctuary through 2022. In Charts_Fall2022 the y-axis shows the annual abundance index estimate in captures per day. This only pertains to the 95%-migration window, so it should only be used to compare abundances between species within their respective migration windows. To compare overall abundances between species one should refer to the season totals.

1995-2022 (all-time)

TEWA has been added back to the list of warblers (OCWA, WIWA) with significant negative trends. WCSP, WTSP and BAOR continue to show significant negative trends.

It was surprising to only see 2 SWTH captures for the entire Fall season. Numbers for TRFL were also very low (11 captures) compared to historic averages. Both species moved closer to a significant negative all-time trend.

2013-2022 (10-year)

TEWA, OCWA (new) and WIWA make up the trio of warblers with significant negative 10-year trends. LEFL is a new addition to the significant negative 10-year trends. Notably all of these are insectivores.

Above average captures for CEDW (63) and HETH (3) in 2022 reduced their 10-year trends to be no longer significant.

Overall, the data suggests all-time declines for most species. This is likely be due to a combination of population declines and site selection by the species during migration. Declines continued to occur over the last ten years for most species but there may also be some species that are stabilizing or possibly recovering. Positive trends (though not significant) were most often found among sparrows in recent years. This could imply that the banding site became more attractive to them after the catastrophic 2013 flood.


Trend analysis is based on total captures from 1995-2022 for fall migration and 2002-2022 for spring migration and was performed by contract biostatistician Mathias Fenton. In addition to trend analyses since inception Mathias has calculated trends over the last 10 years a time period frequently used by conservation regulators and managers.

95%-migration windows were determined for each season (spring/fall) based on all new capture records for the respective species. A 95%-migration window describes the period in a specific season within which 95% of all individuals of a species were caught historically. Trend analyses were restricted to these windows This technique reduces the amount of days with zero captures and avoids disproportional impact of unusually early or late captures on the analyses.

Daily captures were first standardized with respect to daily net hours to account for variation in net opening times. Net hour totals only included focal nets, which were defined as nets with at least one historic capture. After standardization the captures were normalized to represent the expected number of captures for each day under the condition that all focal nets were open for exactly six hours. For days where all focal nets remained closed, no capture data was provided to the subsequent model to reduce false negatives.

Normalized captures from all years were used in a single hierarchical model that modelled the daily captures as a function of year, day, and day2. The model was implemented in R using the library for Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA). The observation error distribution was specified as ‘negative binomial’ and auto-regressive process error terms were included for day and year. To obtain mean estimates for the trend associated with year as well as for the average daily abundance within a season (annual abundance index), the posterior probability distributions produced by the model were sampled 10,000 times. Confidence limits and significance levels for each estimate were calculated based on the distribution of samples. Because the model provides linear trend estimates for the logarithm of captures, percent population changes per year were obtained through back-transformation.

Trend Analysis Charts – Fall 2022


Migration Trends – Fall 2022


Trend Analysis Charts – Spring 2022


Migration Trends – Spring 2022


Annual Technical Reports

Download the ATRs (Annual Technical Reports).


We publish in peer-reviewed journals based on our research. CBBS also supports avian-based research from members and other researchers.

Collister, D. and S. Wilson. 2007. Contributions of Weather and Predation to Reduced Breeding Success in a Threatened Northern Loggerhead Shrike Population. Avian and Conservation Ecology 2: 11 


Dunn, E.H. 2002. A Cross-Canada Comparison Of Mass Change In Birds During Migration Stopover. Wilson Bulletin. 114(3): 368-379


Dunn, Erica H., D. Collister, T. L. Crewe, B. Drolet, D. Okines and J. McCracken. 2018. Monitoring population trends of boreal forest songbirds using migration counts. Poster presented at International Ornithological Congress 18-25 August, Vancouver, BC.


Gahbauer, M.A., C.M. Smith, M. Grosselet and G. J. Ruiz Michael. 2016. Influence of Audio Lures on Capture Rates of Passerines During Spring Migration in Veracruz, Mexico. NABB 41(4):170-183


Hobson, K. A., S. L. Van Wilgenburg, E. H. Dunn, D. J. T. Hussell, P. D. Taylor and D. M. Collister. 2015. Predicting origins of passerines migrating through Canadian migration monitoring stations using stable-hydrogen isotope analyses of feathers: a new tool for bird conservation. Avian Conservation and Ecology 10 (1): 3.


Kardynal, Kevin J, Douglas M. Collister, and Keith A. Hobson. 2018. Origins of Wilson�s Warblers migrating through southwest Canada: Adding value to banding data by using stable isotopes and genetic markers.


Smith, C.M., D.R. Kaschube, and D. Collister. 2009. Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) at Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, Calgary, Alberta, 1992-2008. Unpublished technical report. Calgary Bird Banding Society, Calgary, AB. 29 pp.


Smith, C.M., D.R. Kaschube, B. Shepherd and J. Woods. 2008.Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) in Mount Revelstoke, Banff, Waterton Lakes and Jasper National Parks, 1993-2006. Unpublished technical report. Parks Canada, Waterton Lakes National Park, Waterton Park, AB.


The Canadian Migration Monitoring Network – Roseau canadien de surveillance des migrations 2008. Ten-Year Report on Monitoring Landbird Population Change


Wilson, S., D.M. Collister and A.G. Wilson. 2011. Community composition and annual survival of lowland tropical forest birds on the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica. Ornitologia Neotropical 22:421-436.


Wilson, S., K. A. Hobson, D. M. Collister, and A. G. Wilson. 2008. Breeding Destinations and Spring Migration Patterns of Swainson’s Thrush (Catharus Ustulatus) at a Costa Rican Stopover Site. The Auk. 125(1):95-104


Wilson, S., K. A. Hobson, D. M. Collister, and A.G. Wilson.  2008. Spring migratory stopover of Swainson’s thrush along the Pacific coast of southwest Costa Rica. Wilson Journal of Ornithology.120(1): 74-84


Wilson, S. and K. Martin. 2008. Breeding habitat selection of sympatric White-tailed, Rock and Willow Ptarmigan in the southern Yukon Territory, Canada J Ornithol.  149:629-637


Wilson, S. and K. Martin. 2010. Variable reproductive effort for two ptarmigan species in response to spring weather in a northern alpine ecosystem. J. Avian Biol. 41: 319-326.


Wilson, S. and K. Martin. 2011. Life-history and demographic variation in an alpine specialist at the latitudinal extremes of the range. Popul Ecol (2011) 53:459-471.

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Loss, S.L., T.Will, S.S. Loss and P.P. Mara. 2014. Bird building collisions in the United States: Estimates of annual mortality and species vulnerability. The Condor 116(1):8-23.

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Priestley, L., C. Priestley, D.M. Collister, D. Zazelenchuk and M. Hanneman. 2010. Encounters of Northern Saw-whet Owls (Aegolius Acadicus) from banding stations in Alberta and Saskatchewan, Canada. J. Raptor Res. 44(4):300-310.


Priestley, L.T., C Priestley, D.M. Collister, H. Fisher, G.Holroyd, R. Krikun, and M. Blom. 2016. Evidence of Partial Migration, Encounters of Northern Saw-whet Owls from Banding Stations in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Poster presented at the Alberta Chapter of the Wildlife Society AGM 4-6 March in Drumheller.


Preliminary Analyses and Progress Reports

CBBS compiles preliminary reports of the current year’s results in the context of results to date as soon as possible after completion of each year’s replicate.  These reports are briefer than our Annual Technical Reports but serve as an important source of results pending completion of ATRs (preparation of which we are significantly behind on).

Also included here are summaries of completed projects from years for which a CBBS ATR is not available yet as well as summaries of stopover site fidelity at IBO and stable isotope analysis of feather samples from IBO.

Preliminary results of 2023 Inglewood Bird Sanctuary Fall Migration Monitoring


Preliminary results of 2024 Inglewood Bird Sanctuary Spring Migration Monitoring


Preliminary results of 2023 De Wit Ranch Northern Saw-whet Owl Migration Monitoring


Preliminary results of 2016 Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park Spring Migration Monitoring


Preliminary results of 2016 Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park Fall Migration Monitoring


Preliminary results of 2015 Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park Northern Saw-whet Owl Migration Monitoring


Preliminary results of 2014 Tillebrook Provincial Park Spring Migration Monitoring


Preliminary results of 2014 Tillebrook Provincial Park Fall Migration Monitoring


Preliminary results of 2019 Belize Spring Migration Monitoring


Interpretation of Inglewood Bird Sanctuary MM isotope samples


Stopover site fidelity at Inglewood Bird Sanctuary and other CMMN stations